Where Friends, Family & Care Teams Share in the Care. A New Level of Care Team Ecellence.
“Pop-In” Collaboration: Care team and patients control how & when they communicate with their authorized ’Circle of Care’ - the most critical people who support them. Special features accommodate personalized privacy settings, patients with limited capacities and the optimal visitation policies for specific units
Unique patient conditions require unique accommodations. When a patient is unable to respond, family members can remotely connect to their loved one, providing comfort, emotional and spiritual support. Some patients may be ‘techno-phobic’ or unable to physically operate a communication device.
Disvover how ByYourSide help solve the problem of visitor restrictions for Medical and Geographic reasons, isolation, loneliness, healing & support from afar.
The Point-of-Care Video Communications App provides a Private & Secure One Touch
Connection and Setup only takes minutes. ByYourSide ™ Runs on Tablets, Phones,
Digital Displays, Nurse Staions & Browsers.
A New Level of Care Team Excellence
- Nurses don't have to become "tech support" for paitents
- Remote discharge, improving throughput
- Addresses challenges around surges
- Reduces trivial % frustrating tasks
- "Pop-in" care when isolated - Nurses can “pop in” virtually to check on a patient or family member without having to use limited PPE resources. But let’s be clear, virtual connection cannot replace the face-to-face intimacy of the relationship between the professional care-givers and their patients and family.
- Zero learning time
- Easy commuication between parties
- Patient satisfaction improves
- Supports patient healing
Benefits To Your Patients
Research has shown there are about 4-8 people in a person’s life who are
critical to the healing process in a hospital or long-term care facility. We refer
to this “support team” as the “ByYourSide™ Circle of Care”. That intimate
circle offers daily and moment-by-moment emotional, physical and, more often than not, spiritual support and caring to help a patient heal.
Covid brought to light how isolation contributes to worse health outcomes.
Yet patient safety required isolation, especially in skilled nursing homes and
with patients with underlying conditions. ByYourSide™ addresses the needs
of isolation and healing with a HIPAA compliant easy to use ‘Circle of Care’
video communications.
- Easy communication between parties
- Pop-in feature - does not require patient's participation
- Easy to use
- Happy Families
- Patient Satisfaction improves
- Supports patient healing
And by the way it can save YOU time and money
- How much time does your careteam* spend setting up and facilitating communication with the family?
- How much time are staff spending gowning and ungowning?
- How much are you spending on PPE supplies?
*Careteam is anyone who cares for the patient in any manner, i.e. nurse, physician, social worker, chaplain.
Save careteam time:
- Less time facilitating patient/family communication
- Fewer calls to nurses from families
- Careteam pop-in without entering patient room or gowning up - EASY
- PPE Savings
- Patient satisfaction improves